The Penny Post — Vol. 21, No. 4: Stamp #15L4
By Vernon R. Morris, Jr. MD © 2013-17
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01. August 5, (1845); Prince
02. August 8, 1845; Atlantic
03. Aug 11, 1845; Harris
04. August 12, (1845); Prince
05. August 16, 1845; Rohe
06. August 28, 1845; Smethurst
07. September 6, 1845; Wood
08. September 8, 1845; Rohe
09. Sept 16, (1845); Prince
10. Sept 22, 1845; Martin
11. Sept 30, 1845; Brown
12. Sept 30, 1845; Jacobson
13. October 13, 1845; Mascow.JPG
14. Nov 12, 1845; Gillmer
15. Dec 15, 1845; Merrick
16. Undated; Gibson
A. Undated; Picot
B. Nov 12, 1845; Heitzman; PFC 503780